
The vertex Cart platform gives, when adding products, many options to show the products in an organized manner that attracts the attention of customers and visitors of the online store. When new product, you can control the description of the product and make it compatible with search engines, and you can add products` data and link it to brands and sections as it will appear to customers, as well as you can add special offers or discounts for that products and attach photos for it.

The product list includes the product number, product name, model, price, quantity, status, image and process, where you can deactivate the status of the products by sliding the button form the left to the right, and modifying the product by pressing the modify button.


  • Modify quantities: You can modify the quantity of product after selecting it and click Modify quantities.
  • Import products: To import products from an excel file or manually.


Within this page, a certain number of items can viewed, which is selected at the bottom of the page by clicking the number of items on each page and moving among pages via the arrows.

Also, you can search for any product by its name, model, department, price, quantity, product status, or all options in the filter.

When adding a new product to your online store, you will see several pages include the General, Data, Links, Specifications, Discounts, Special prices and Images.



The General page includes that following options:

  • Product name: To add the name of product.
  • Description: To write the product-specific content to encourage customers to purchase it.
  • Tag: To add classification for the product.
  • Meta tag title: To add a title that matches the product.
  • Description of the meta tags: To add a full explanation of the product that appears clearly in the results of the search engines.
  • Meta tag keyword: The keywords are used to help the product to appear in the search engine results in compliance with the SEO rules.



It includes product-specific data to fully appear to customers, and this data is:

  • Model: To select the model of the product.
  • Location: To add the location of the product.
  • Publish data: To select the data of publishing the product on the online store.
  • Product type: To select the type of product from the drop-down list.
  • Price: To select the price of the product in order to allow to the user to know the price of the product before ordering it.
  • Measurement category: To select the product measurement category in order to allow to the user to the category which the product is measured before ordering it.
  • Volume code: To add the code that makes it easy for the inventory manager to know the location of the product.
  • Tax category: To select the type of tax that will be applied to the product.
  • Dimensions: To add the length, width and height of the defined product.
  • UPC Code: To add the UPC Code.
  • Quantity: To select the quantity of the product that is available in stock.
  • Height: To select the height of the product.
  • Weight category: To select the category which the weight of the product is measured.
  • The European-Japanese article number: To add the European and Japanese article number.
  • Minimum: To add the minimum that allowed to request the product.
  • Weight: To select the weight of the product.
  • The affect sales on inventory: To select from the drop-down list if the purpose of this product is to influence the stock or not.
  • Product Status: To select from the drop-down list of the product status (new - old - bad..).
  • World Book Number: To select the World Book Number.
  • Out of stock message: To select the message that will appear to the user if the out of stock for this product is selected from the drop-down list.
  • Status: To select from the drop-down list of product status (active - inactive).
  • Manufacturing code: To add the code of manufacturing.
  • Requires shipping: To add from the drop-down list if the defined product requires shipment of not.
  • Arrangement: To add the order number which the product will appear on the interface of the online store.

After adding or modifying the page, you must click the (Save) button to save the edits that have been added of click the (Back) button to return to the previous list.


The links page includes:

  • Trademark: To select the brand of the product belongs, which was previously identified within the trademarks.
  • Departments: To select the departments of the defined product from the drop-down list that was previously defined within the department’s page.
  • Related Products: To select the products that are related to the product that being defined.

After adding or modifying the page, you must click the (Save) button to save the edits that have been added or click the (Back) button to return to the previous list.


The specifications page includes:

  • Specifications group: To select the set of attributes that have been defined in the store.
  • Standard: To select the attributes that have been defined in the store.

The user can add unlimited number of attributes of the product, and after adding or modifying the page, you must click the (Save) button to save the edits that have been added or click the (Back) button to return to the previous list.   



An unlimited number of discounts can be added to the product, including:

  • Customers group: To select the group of customers who will be shown the discount for the defined product.
  • Quantity: To select the quantity in order to obtain the discount.
  • Preference: To select the preference to display the discounts for the group of customers.
  • Price: To select the price of the product after sale.
  • Beginning date: To start the beginning date of the product sales.
  • End date: To select the end date of the product sales.

After adding or modifying the page, you must click the (Save) button to save the edits that have been added or click the (Back) button to return to the previous list.



An unlimited number of product-specific variants can be added which are defined in the product variants, which include:

  • Variable: To select the variable that defined in the list of product variants from the drop-down list.
  • Value: To select the value that defined in the list of product variants.

After adding or modifying the page, you must click the (Save) button to save the edits that have been added or click the (Back) button to return to the previous list.


Special Offers:

An unlimited number of special offers can be added to the product, and the discounts include:

  • Customers group: To select the group of customers who will be shown the special offers for the defined product.
  • Preference: To select the preference to display the special offers for the group of customers.
  • Price: To select the price of the product in the special offers.
  • Beginning date: To start the beginning date of the special offers.
  • End date: To select the end date of the special offers.

After adding or modifying the page, you must click the (Save) button to save the edits that have been added or click the (Back) button to return to the previous list.



On this page, you can attach an image expressing the defined product by clicking on the button of (Select Image):

After adding or modifying the page, you must click the (Save) button to save the edits that have been added or click the (Back) button to return to the previous list.



This page shows the product rating by customers.

After adding or modifying the page, you must click the (Save) button to save the edits that have been added or click the (Back) button to return to the previous list.


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