Abandoned Shopping Carts

The abandoned shopping carts page helps the owner of online store to identify customers who have not completed the purchase process, the date the products were added to their shopping carts and their total value, in order to send a reminder message to the customers about their shopping carts at a specific time chosen by the owner.

This page includes all private abandoned shopping carts with the ability to indicate the customer’s name and the group of customers which he / she belongs, in addition to the total value of the shopping carts and the date when added it. A reminder of the shopping cart can be sent through the (Process) button.

The buttons at the top help to add and delete abandoned shopping carts. Also this page can also be reactivated by clicking on the (Reactivate) button. Within this page, a specific number of items can be viewed, which are selected at the bottom of the page by clicking on the number of items on each page and moving between pages using the arrows.

Filtering helps to search for an abandoned shopping cart by customer`s name, group of customers, in addition to the ability to specify a specific time period from the beginning of a specific date.


Send a reminder on abandoned shopping cart:

To send a reminder to the customer, click on the (Process) button to display the following page:


This page shows the customer’s details such as the customer’s name, the customer group that he / she belongs, his / her email and phone number, and his / her

address. The page also shows the details of the invoice such as product name, model, quantity, individual price and tax on the piece, total, currency, total tax, total shipping tax, total shipping cost.


When you click the (Send a reminder) button, it will be sent to the email, and the click (Back) button to return to the previous menu.


Reminder of abandoned shopping carts:

This page enables you to identify the number of reminders defined in the store, the total of each reminder, and its status. You can also modify any reminder through the (Modify) button.

The buttons at the top help to add and delete abandoned shopping carts. Also this page can also be reactivated by clicking on the (Reactivate) button. Within this page, a specific number of items can be viewed, which are selected at the bottom of the page by clicking on the number of items on each page and moving between pages using the arrows.


Add shopping carts` reminder:

This page includes the following:

  • E-mail template: Select the e-mail template.
  • Number of days: To select the number of days to of abandoned shopping carts to send the reminder.
  • Total: Select the total of the abandoned shopping carts.
  • Arrangement: To select the order field.
  • Status: To select the status of the reminder to be defined as activated or inactive


After adding or modifying the page, you must click the (Save) button to save the changes that have been added, or click (Back) button to return to the previous list.

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