Cash On Delivery

Cash On Delivery:

The store owner can choose cash on delivery as a feature of internet marketing, and can select it for specific geographical areas or only certain countries.

This method relies on customers paying the amount to the shipping company upon receiving or delivering the order to the customer, then the shipping company delivers the amount to the store owner.

The page of cash on delivery includes the following options:

  • Total: To select the minimum amount of invoices allowed for this type of payment method to be used.
  • Order Status: To select the status of the order that will be shown to the customer if the payment is successful.
  • Geographical Region: To select the geographical region to approve the payment method, which are the geographical regions that are selected from the drop-down list and added within the system settings on the geographical regions page.
  • Arrangement: To select the arrangement number of the payment method to be shown on the online store.
  • Status: To select the status of the payment method to be defined as it`s activated or not.

After adding or modifying the page, you must click (Save) button to save the modifications that have been added, or click (Back) button to return to the previous menu.

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