
The window of sales in the Vertex Cart platform enables you to manage the order for the online store, as it contains many options that allow the store` owner to fully control the purshase processes. When agents or the customers make a purchase order from the store`s front en, a new purchase order is created within the list of orders.

This is considered as record of the commercial process that the customer preforms, so the status of the order is pending in order to cancel is at any time due to the failure to complete the payment process inside the store.

The order list displays the order number, the first and last name of customer, the status of the order, the currency, the total invoice of the orders, the date of adding the order and the date of modifying the order, as well as the orders can be filtered by selecting the type of filtration.

The buttons at the top are used to add and delete orders, and this page can be reactivated by clicking the reactivation button and printing a specific order with all its contents by selecting it and the clicking the print button.

View button: It used to view the order that attached by the customer (invoice details - shipping details - customer details and order number).

Modify button: It used to modify the order that attached by the customer using the date and products of the store owner to be requsted, payment details, shipping details, and the additional data that he / shee can modify.

Also, any order can be searched by its number, customer, order status, total added date and modified date.

The window of Modify Orders includes several pages:


The data page includes:

  • Store: To select any branch of the store that you want to purchase the product form.
  • Family: To enter the last name of the customer. 
  • Currency: To select the currency to be dealt with the invoice.
  • E-mail: To enter the customer`s email.
  • Customer: To display the name of the customer and the orders are attached.
  • Phone: To enter the number phone of the customer.
  • Customer group: To select the group of customers which the customer belongs to.
  • Fax: To enter the fax of customer.
  • Name: To enter the name of the customer and the orders are attached. 


Products page includes:

  • Products: To select the product to be ordered fron the drop-down list.
  • Model: To add the product model.
  • Quantity: To select the quantity to be ordered from this product. 
  • Unit Price: To select the unit price of the product.
  • Tax of a piece: To select the tax on the piece.
  • Total Price: To select the total price of the product.

Payment details:

Payment details includes:

  • Payment method: To select the payment method to be dealt with, in order to be paid within the invoice, whcih was defined within the payment methods. 
  • City: To select the city of the preson in order to pay the invoice.
  • Name: To select the name of the preson in order to pay the invoice.
  • Zip Code: To add the ZIP Cod.
  • Family: To enter the last name of the person to pay the invoice.
  • City: To select the country of the person in order to pay the invoice.
  • Company: To add the name of the company that the person works in, in order to be pay the invoice.
  • Region: To select the region which the person belongs to, in order to pay the invoice.
  • Notes: To select the notes for payment details. 
  • Address: To add the address of the preson to pay the invoice.

Shipping details: 

The shipping detail page includes:

  • Shipping Method: To select the shipping method to be dealt to pay the invoice, which has been defined within the shipping methods. 
  • Company: To add the name of the shipping comapny that will carry out the shipping process.
  • Family: To select the last name of the person whom you want to ship fpr her / him.
  • ZIP Code: To add the ZIP Code.
  • Company: To add the name of the company that the presoneworks in.
  • Country: To select the country of person. 
  • Address: To select the address of the person.
  • Region: To select the region to whcih the preson belongs it.
  • Notes: To select the notes for payment details.

Additional data:

The Page of Additional Data includes that status of the order, which can be selected by clicking on the drop-down lis and select the desired order status, as well as it can add specific notes realted to this order.

After adding or modifying the page, you must click the (Save) button to save the edits that have been added or click the (Back) button to return to the previuos list.


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