Workers in the field of e-marketing, commercial companies and e-store owners can benefit from the multiplicity of marketing methods to develop their marketing plans in proportion to these methods. As part of their marketing strategy, e-store owners used video marketing, because 64% of customers buy products after watching the video in order to see the products and see how they work and the benefits of using them, as the revenues of commercial companies that rely on video marketing for their promotions have increased, and the companies can reach to the customers easily and convert them into actual customers. It also helps build trust between online stores and companies and customers. In this article we will talk about the reasons for using video marketing and its benefits in achieving marketing goals.

Reasons for relying on video marketing in the marketing plan:

The video marketing strategy has begun to become more important with the passage of days. Rather, it has become an essential component of any marketing strategy intended to convert online store visitors into customers. Marketing through video clips depends on three criteria: Excitement, Simplification and Gaining the trust of the customer, as these criteria are integrated with each other. The video is based on exciting the viewer, simplifying the type of product or service and showing how to use it which leads to gaining the trust of the customers and pushes them to buy the products faster compared to other means. Owners of e-stores and commercial companies rely on video marketing to enhance their brand or enhance the quality of the products they provide in the era of e-commerce which fraud and scams may take place. So, video marketing reduces the concerns of visitors and potential customers and encourage them to make a purchase decision, and it improves the number of visits to the online store in order to increase the sales, and reduces requests for support provided by e-stores, and enables the sharing of content with friends via social media platforms. In conclusion, many online store owners consider video marketing is the key to success in content marketing.

Benefits of video marketing in online stores:

Video Marketing Increases Sales and Revenue:

Video marketing provides instructions of using products and explain the specifications and advantages that the customers obtain if they purchase these products, so the sales opportunities are generated through video marketing.

According to 52% marketing experts in Hubspot which`s specialized in the field of marketing, said that video marketing achieves the best return on investment, and the percentage of revenue and returns is growing 49% faster compared to previous years.

Video Marketing increases conversion rates:

The video marketing improves the performance of your online store and increases conversion rates by including videos. Conversion rate can be increased across the landing pages, the product pages, and the home pages.

We find that video marketing is superior to any other tactic of content marketing, because the video simplifies the information and provides details related to the product and makes it more understandable by the customer, which increases the conviction of the need to buy the product.

The Video marketing also plays an important role in increasing customer retention by following a good portion of the product's video.

According to Hubspot statistics, the conversion rate increases by 80% when using video marketing, with video users having a click-through rate of 27%, and conversion rates to web pages of 34%.

Video marketing prepares your e-store to appear in search engines in a good way:

The video marketing is the best way to improve the visibility of your online store in the first page results of search engines, especially in the Google search engine.

According to Comscore, adding a video to your store increases the chance of appearing on the first page of search results by 53 times.

Most e-marketers in Mist Media - a company specialized in digital multimedia - confirm that the adoption of video marketing in the store increases the time spent by visitors, as 88% of customers spend more time on a store that contains video.

Video Marketing influences your buying decision:

The video marketing helps in promoting your brand, increasing customer information about the product and advertising everything that is new, which leads to gaining the customers` trust which sometimes translates into making a purchase decision, as it helps to convince the customer of the necessity of purchasing the product or not.

According to 97% of marketers in Hubspot, confirmed that video marketing contributed to customers' understanding of the product

Therefore, many commercial companies attach great importance to video marketing as they put a video explaining how to use their products and services on their home page as part of their marketing strategy to make it easier for customers.

Video marketing increases customer interaction on social media:

When using video marketing in the marketing campaigns of your e-store, you must take into account the need to share it on the social media platforms of the store, where customers are more interactive with the video, and share it on their accounts on all social media websites compared to texts and images, as video content is more attractive to customers than other types of content.

The video marketing through social media gives good results, so it is necessary to understand the privacy of each website and take it into account when preparing videos. For example, videos shared on the Instagram Feed network should not exceed one minute, while Stories and IGTV should be prepared vertically.

Video Marketing increases e-mail opening rate:

The video marketing contributes to increasing the click rate from 200 - 300%, so the customer finds it easier to watch a video that includes all the details of the product instead of reading a long article about it.

It also the e-mails enable the customers return at any time as e-mail open rates increase by 19% and unsubscribe decreases by 26%.

Read Also: Why you should rely on an e-marketing company

Meta Description:

As part of their marketing strategy, e-store owners used video marketing, because 64% of customers buy products after watching the video.

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