The online store is consider a very sensitive type of website, as any detail - whether small or big one, in the store’s design - such as the speed of its loading or the wording of the sentences used to describe the products - may make the user, the potential customer, buy or leave the store immediately!

Read Also: How to write a products description professionally

Therefore, you must make the product in your online store a comprehensive reference for everything related to the product, such as:

• Show pictures of the product, whether it is electronic or physical.

• The ability to use pictures in website design.

• The standards of pictures are usable on the web

• Use video to show the benefits of the product you are selling.

• Use social persuasion to persuade the hesitant customer.

• Present product`s benefits in easy-to-read paragraphs.

• Make your potential customers feel safe before you convince them of the product.

One of the things you can work on to attract customers is to follow the method of subconscious persuasion

There are different ways to persuade the subconscious of your website`s visitors. You must choose the appropriate one for your e-store and the products you offer for sale, the ways are:

  • Use appropriate words to formulate the name of the product and its benefits: For example, “Owning this new mobile phone will always protect you from being late for your appointments,” Or “Owning this new mobile phone will always be on time for your appointments.” In your opinion, which of the two formulations is stronger and more effective?
  • Offer something for free to your customers to return the favor: In our ordinary lives, when someone offers us a service or a favor, we involuntarily feel that we owe that person something, and on the web as well, if you offer your customers an opportunity to try the product, especially if it is intangible, such as a subscription in a cloud service, the more willing they are to buy your service.
  • Make your store a brand: This does not necessarily mean that you have to officially register your store with the Ministry of Commerce in your country, but it does mean that you invest in the design and usability of your online store. Create an inspiring and creative logo for your store, people usually feel familiar and confident in websites and stores with beautiful interfaces.
  • Tell them that the product is sold out and provide a way to alert them when it is available for sale again: If the product is sold out, make your store have the ability for the customer to receive an email alert when the product is available for sale again. These things increase the store's credibility.
  • Money Back Guarantee: A significant number of potential visitors to your online store will be hesitant to buy anything from your online store, especially if they have not had previous purchasing experience from your store. Remove these purchasing fears by displaying the (Money Back Guarantee) badge in a prominent place on your store.
  • Do not hide shipping costs or any additional costs on the product details page: If the user is convinced to buy a product through the product details page which you are supposed to have offered the full price to the consumer, it is difficult to get him / her to complete the purchase process if he / she discovers that there are any additional costs on the “product details” page, “Shopping Cart” or “Checkout” page.
  • Do not increase the purchasing options for each product (without strong differences): If there are many options, the user will not be able to choose and buy the product. So identify the best and strongest option that you think the customer will be convinced of.
  • Do not use annoying pop-up ads: Almost all modern web browsers use a blocker for displaying pop-up advertising windows, and therefore this idea - whether they provide benefit to the user or not - is not an acceptable one in your online store.

Read Also: Top steps to gain customers trust in e-stores

Before launching your online store to the world, quickly check that your store addresses the following points:

The font size used in the store is large and legible:

Pop-ups interrupt the users' focus and distract them from the task they came to your store for. Respect your visitors!

External and internal links are working and not broken:

Make sure that all internal or external links in your store are working and are not damaged. It is also better to make external links open in the same window and not open in a new tab. In this case, you will make the user controls the browsing. So do not force him / her to open the link in a new tab, what if he / she does not want to open the link in a new tab?!

The store does not contain more than one animated Ad per page:

If you place animated images and advertisements everywhere in the store, it will be difficult to make the customer focus on one task (purchase). Give your customers the opportunity to shop and view your products comfortably. Animated advertisements have no place next to your products.

It is easy for store`s visitors to contact me:

Make it easy to find your contact information in your online store, such as putting the contact information on the invoice, or on a dedicated page. It is so important to be communicated with you easily. If you want to lose the trust of your customers, hide your contact information.!

The Vertex Card store is characterized by the ease of preparing products and attaching their pictures. Our store helps the user, through its clear and smooth cards, to manage an online store successfully without any programming errors or obstacles, which makes the user enjoy while working on it, and makes it easy for visitors to review all the data in its finest details and clearly.

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How to create a successful e-store

The online store is consider a very sensitive type of website, as any detail - whether small or big one, in the store’s design - such as the speed of its loading or the wording of the sentences used to describe the products - may make the user, the potential customer, buy or leave the store immediately!


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