The most prominent articles included in the law issued by the Ministry of Commerce and Investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding e-commerce:

  • The Electronic commerce (e-commerce) refer to: “An activity of an economic nature undertaken by the service provider and the consumer - in whole or in part - by electronic means; in order to sell products, provide services, advertise them, or exchange data about them.
  • Contract: The agreement concluded electronically between parties who deal in electronic commerce.
  • Online store: It is a platform that allows the service provider to display or sell a product or provide a service, advertise it, or exchange data about it.
  • E-store authentication authorities: They are the entities licensed by the Ministry to undertake the process of authenticating electronic stores.
  • Providing it with all the data related to the electronic stores that it deals with, in addition to data related to the goods and their characteristics and features in an accurate manner without any misleading.
  • Guarantees the right to return products after receiving them.
  • Protect the customer personal data and prohibit its circulation or exploitation for any other purposes.
  • Addressing delays in delivering orders.

The most prominent provisions of Chapter Two “Chapter Two Data on Stores and Electronic Transactions”

1. Basic data in the online store.

2. Data of the store’s workplace.

3. Electronic contract data.

4. How to deal with consumer data.

5. Invoice`s information provided to the consumer.

6. Controls of electronic advertising conducted by stores.

7. Controls for the practitioner’s work in e-commerce.

8. Documentation of electronic stores.

As for the electronic contract, the provisions of the law stipulate that the service provider must provide to the consumer a statement includes a set of basic data, which are:

1. The procedures to be taken to conclude the contract.

2. Data of the merchant.

3. The advantages and characteristics of the products, goods, or even services that are the subject of the contract.

4. A comprehensive statement of the price that includes any taxes or any additional fees on the price of the product or service.

5. Payment and delivery procedures.

6. Product warranty information.

As for the data that must be included in the invoice which the consumer receives from the service provider, the law stresses that the invoice must include:

1. Delivery date and place.

2. Total price with all additional fees.

The costs of purchasing of each product or providing a service.

The e-commerce regulation the law in Saudi Arabia established a set of controls that must be adhered to by e-store owners when launching any advertising or promotional campaigns for their products via the Internet, and stressed the necessity of including the following data in the advertisement:

1. The name of the advertised product or service.

2. Name of the service provider

3. Merchant’s means of communication

The consumer's right to return the product:

1. The products manufactured at the request of the consumer or according to specifications specified by him / her.

2. Online software download products.

3.  Discs, CDs, or information programs that have been used.

4. Newspapers, magazines, publications or books.

5.  Shelter, transportation or feeding services.

6.  Products that appear defective due to consumer misuse.

The most prominent articles of Chapter One of the law: “Definitions, objectives and provisions of the system”

Define the law:

In addition to a group of other definitions, such as (data - person - merchant - practitioner - service provider - consumer - electronic speech - electronic advertising - electronic medium).

As for the provisions of the system, all of them were designed to guarantee the consumer’s right to several matters, the most important are as following:

Chapter Two of the Law Regulating E-Commerce in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia includes a number of provisions and articles related to an important topics regarding:

The law of E- commerce emphasized in the second chapter on protection the data of consumer, in order to maintain the privacy of shoppers and ensure that their personal data or electronic communications are not used.

The law warns against retaining consumers’ personal data for a period exceeding the period required by the nature of e-commerce dealing.

The law touched on the documentation of e-stores located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the authorities assigned by the Ministry of Commerce and Investment to undertake the documentation of e-stores and shops, the most important is the (Marouf) service, which is a smart electronic service launched by the Ministry of Commerce and Investment in cooperation with the “Thiqah” for business services company, to serve consumers and merchants alike through its role in ensuring the quality of the products, goods and services offered by store owners, which inspires more confidence within the consumer than purchasing from one of those stores that bear “well-known” documentation.

The most important provisions of Chapter Three “Protection of Consumer Rights”

The most important main topics of the Consumer Rights Protection chapter:

The law affirms the consumer's full right to return the product and recover the money he / she paid for it, within a specific period of 7 days from the date of receipt of the product. This law applies to all types of products, goods and services sold except:

In all of these cases, the consumer cannot return the product or service and get his / her money back unless there are manufacturing defects in the product itself by the service provider or merchant.

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